Advisor: Dr. Jess Hagman
Committee: Dr. Rick Miranda, Dr. Liz Arnold, Dr. Gaye DiGregorio, Dr.
Vincent Basile
Title: Exploring the Situated Motives of Undergraduate Mathematics
Education Stakeholders for Enhancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Abstract: As attention toward equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in
undergraduate mathematics education increases, it is prudent to
critically investigate how such attention is motivated. Building on
prior work around how calculus program stakeholders motivate the need to
enhance EDI in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics spaces,
I argue that a motivational imbalance which favors dominant perspectives
or neglects benefits to marginalized students and communities is
insufficient for the construction of meaningful equity reform in
undergraduate mathematics education. Thus, it is important to
productively critique and identify discourses within undergraduate
mathematics education that can serve to maintain dominant interests,
within EDI work particularly, in order to illuminate opportunities for
growth and change. Through a multimethodological critical discourse
analysis, I aim to contribute to the field of undergraduate mathematics
education by investigating the following research question: what
discourses do stakeholders invoke to motivate the importance of EDI in
the social context of undergraduate mathematics education?
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