Postdoc Seminar

Weber 15

New Perspectives on Geproci Sets 
by Jake Kettinger


Weber 237

Title: Serving Unimodality Two Ways
Speaker: Joseph Pappe


Weber 201

Title: Stationary Descendents and the Discriminant Modular Form
Speaker: Adam Afandi

Lecture Topical Geometry

Animal Sciences 130

Title: Kuramoto Oscillators: Algebraic and Topological Aspects. Speaker: Hal Schenck

MS Defense of Alissa Romero

Weber 201

Title: A review of the literature on funds of knowledge within K-12 mathematics education

MS Defense of Tristan Neighbors

Weber 015

Title: Discrete Exterior Calculus on Polygonal Meshes and an Extension To Subdivision Surfaces


Weber 201

The Noether-Lefschetz loci formed by determinantal surfaces in projective 3-space.
Cesar Lozano Huerta, from U. Oaxaca/ Harvard

FRAGMENT Cohomologically tropical varieties

Weber 237

We have the great pleasure of having Kris Shaw from U.Oslo. They are a world leading expert in tropical geometry, so all the grad students that have been through my semester long bambling and rambling on the topic have a chance to hear the real deal.

Postdoc Lunch and Seminar

Weber 15

Revealing and Exploring the Literature's Known Unknowns: Ignorance and How it Drives Science

Number Theory Lab

Weber 201

Number Theory Lab first meeting.  

This calendar is used exclusively for events or announcements sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Natural Sciences or Colorado State University.

Have an event you'd like to add? Submit your request here.