Expander graphs arising from finite groups
Martin Kassabov
Cornell University
Informally, expander graphs are graphs which can not be easily
disconnected. In the case of bounded degree, this property is
equivalent to a spectral gap in the Laplacian matrix of the graph.
Margulis was the first to find an explicit construction of expander
graphs, relating expansion to Kazhdan’s property $T$. I will outline
this connection and construct several families of expander graphs.
Groups with property $T$ and infinitely many alternating quotients
Martin Kassabov
Cornell University
I will outline several methods for showing property $T$ — one of the
methods which originated in the work of Dymara and Januszkiewicz
uses the geometry of Hilbert spaces. I will use an extension of the
method to show that certain subgroups of
$\mathsf{Aut}(\mathbb{F}_p[x,y,z])$ have property $T$. As a
consequence for any prime $p$, we construct 3 permutations in
$\mathsf{Alt}(p^3-1)$ which not only generate the group but also
make the resulting Cayley graphs expanders.
This is joint work with Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace.
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