Advisor: Dr. Jess Hagman
Committee: Dr. Hortensia Soto , Dr. Liz Arnold, Dr. David Most Title: Exploring women of color’s expressions of mathematical identity: The role of institutional resources and mathematical values Abstract: There is a persistent and growing global call to examine, challenge, and transform exclusionary structures and systems within mathematics education (Laursen & Austin, 2020; Thomas & Drake, 2016; Wagner et al., 2020). An important component of this call examines students’ mathematical identity. This dissertation study explores undergraduate women of color’s expressions of mathematical identity and the institutional structures and ideologies that influence these expressions. Following a three-paper model, this dissertation utilizes critical theories and an intersectional lens to recognize the gendered and racialized context of higher education mathematical spaces and the ways these discourses influence women of color’s mathematical identity. The first paper employs large-scale quantitative and qualitative data from a national survey on students’ undergraduate calculus experiences to explore women of color’s expressions of mathematical identity. Informed by Data Feminism, I use a cluster analysis to group women of color survey respondents based on four subdomains of mathematical identity and contextualize each group using qualitative survey responses. The second paper draws from Nasir’s (2011) material and relational identity resources to examine the institutional resources available and accessible to undergraduate women of color to support their mathematical identity. The third paper uses a sociopolitical lens to discuss the sociohistorical background of white, patriarchal mathematical values and the ways these values create inequities in undergraduate mathematical spaces. The results of this paper suggest a clear misalignment between these sociohistorical mathematical values and women of color’s mathematical and mathematics education values. Together, these three papers emphasize within-group differences among women of color’s mathematical identity and the different ways material, relational, and ideological resources can support or hinder women of color’s mathematical identities.This calendar is used exclusively for events or announcements sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Natural Sciences or Colorado State University.