The following faculty members have research interests in Scientific Computation and Mathematical Algorithms. Details about each persons research, publications and information about thesis topics can be found on each person’s home page.
computational biochemistry, stochastic dynamics, Monte Carlo methods, machine learning
(Computational) Group Theory, Group Actions, Combinatorics, Number Theory, Symbolic Computation. Co-Author of the system GAP
Computational and Applied Mathematics, Optimization and Mathematical Modeling
My research is on efficient algorithms for combinatorial problems. I am especially interested in recursive decompositions of arbitrary graphs and digraphs, algorithms for classes of graphs that are subclasses of the class of perfect graphs, and classes of graphs that have geometric representations.
Inverse problems, electrical impedance tomography, medical imaging, PDE's
Partial Differential Equations, Waves in Random Media, Inverse Problems, Quantum Transport
Differential and symplectic geometry, geometric probability, knot theory, and applications of these areas to polymer physics and signal processing