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The Department of Mathematics emphasizes good teaching and takes great pride in the research and teaching accomplishments of its faculty members. Members of the department faculty have received a variety of University Awards, including the Distinguished Teaching Award, the Distinguished Service Award for Administration, the Natural Science Teaching Award, the Honors Professorship, the Natural Sciences Research Award, and the Distinguished Service Award for Research. Faculty members in the Department have given invited lectures on 6 continents and in 68 countries. They have published more than 1000 research papers in technical journals.

Current Faculty

Jeffrey Achter / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6716
Office: Weber 205B

Number Theory, Arithmetic Geometry, Mathematical Ecology and Evolution

David Aristoff / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-2792
Office: Weber 221

computational biochemistry, stochastic dynamics, Monte Carlo methods, machine learning

Wolfgang Bangerth / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-8631
Office: Weber 214

Numerical analysis, scientific computing, mathematical software

Steve Benoit / Associate Professor (CCAF), Director of Foundational Mathematics, Co-Director Precalculus Center
Phone: (970) 491-0549
Office: Weber 112

Distance Learning, Numerical Analysis/Simulation, Lasers and Photonic Crystals, Cell Dynamics

Richard Bradley / Professor / Preferred Name: Mark Bradley 
Phone: (970) 491-5735
Office: Engineering D215

My research centers on the nanoscale patterns that develop spontaneously when a solid surface is bombarded with a broad ion beam. These patterns include ordered arrays of nanodots and surface ripples with wavelengths as short as 10 nm. From a more mathematical standpoint, I study self-organization in systems driven far from equilibrium as well as solitons and shockwaves.

Will Bromley / Instructor (CCAF), Associate Director Precalculus Center
Office: Weber 136B

Renzo Cavalieri / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6283
Office: Weber 118

Algebraic Geometry, Moduli Spaces

Kelly Chappell / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6416
Office: Weber 122

Mathematics Education

Baohua Chen / Assistant Professor (CCAF)
Office: Weber 113

Margaret Cheney / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6478
Office: Weber 218

Inverse Problems, Radar Imaging

Edwin Chong / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-7858
Office: Engineering C101D

Control and Optimization, Communication Networks, Wireless Systems

Jason DeMoulpied / Assistant Professor (CCAF)
Office: Weber 238

Oleg Emanouilov / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-7475
Office: Weber 220

Partial differential equations, optimal control, inverse problems

Hilary Freeman / Master Instructor (CCAF)
Phone: (970) 491-5308
Office: Weber 114

Maria Gillespie / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-1037
Office: Weber 125

Combinatorics, with applications to Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory

Jess Hagman / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-5442
Office: Weber 120

Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Alexander Hulpke / Professor - Chair
Phone: (970) 491-4288
Office: Weber 106

(Computational) Group Theory, Group Actions, Combinatorics, Number Theory, Symbolic Computation. Co-Author of the system GAP

Jamie Juul / Assistant Professor
Phone: (970) 491-4390
Office: Weber 121

My research interests are in the field of algebraic number theory, and more specifically, arithmetic dynamics. The main focus of my research is studying how the absolute Galois group of a field acts on pre-images of a point under iterates of a rational function. This area has many nice applications to number theory and dynamics.

Emily King / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6440
Office: Weber 206B

My research interests include pure & applied harmonic analysis, data analysis, frame theory (in particular algebraic, geometric, and combinatorial methods in frame theory), and signal and image processing.

Michael Kirby / Professor (Joint Appointment Department of Mathematics)
Phone: (970) 491-6850
Office: Weber 211

Computational and Applied Mathematics, Optimization and Mathematical Modeling

Philip Kopel / Assistant Professor (CCAF)
Phone: (970) 491-7090
Office: Weber 244

Jiangguo Liu / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-3067
Office: Weber 116

Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing

Ross McConnell / Associate Professor Emeritus (Joint Appointment Department of Mathematics)

My research is on efficient algorithms for combinatorial problems. I am especially interested in recursive decompositions of arbitrary graphs and digraphs, algorithms for classes of graphs that are subclasses of the class of perfect graphs, and classes of graphs that have geometric representations.

Rick Miranda / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6211
Office: Weber 205C

Algebraic Geometry

Jennifer Mueller / Professor, Yates Endowed Chair
Phone: (970) 491-7417
Office: Weber 203

Inverse problems, electrical impedance tomography, medical imaging, PDE's

Janet Oien / Senior Instructor (CCAF), Director Calculus Center
Phone: (970) 491-6602
Office: Weber 207

Iuliana Oprea / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6751
Office: Weber 123

Dynamical systems; pattern formation; fluid dynamics, hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic stability and bifurcation; numerical analysis; mathematical modeling

Patrick Orchard / Instructor (CCAF), Associate Director Precalculus Center
Office: Weber 137D

Amit Patel / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 366-7342
Office: Weber 217

Algebraic Topology, Applied and Computational Topology, and Category Theory

Anita Pattison / Co-Director Precalculus Center
Phone: (970) 491-3683
Office: Weber 137A

Christopher Peterson / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-5153
Office: Weber 209

Algebraic Geometry

Ali Pezeshki / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-3242
Office: Engineering C103F

Statistical signal processing, coding theory, applied harmonic analysis, radar/sonar imaging

Olivier Pinaud / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-5138
Office: Weber 215

Partial Differential Equations, Waves in Random Media, Inverse Problems, Quantum Transport

Rachel Pries / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-2635
Office: Weber 205A

Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, Galois theory

Louis Scharf / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-6792
Office: Weber 126

Statistical Signal Processing , Wireless Communication

Patrick Shipman / Professor

Applied Maths, Dynamical Systems, Differential Geometry

Mark Shoemaker / Associate Professor
Phone: (970) 491-4625
Office: Weber 128

Algebraic Geometry, Mathematical Physics

Clayton Shonkwiler / Associate Professor, Director of the Undergraduate Program
Phone: (970) 491-1822
Office: Weber 206C

Differential and symplectic geometry, geometric probability, knot theory, and applications of these areas to polymer physics and signal processing

Jeff Shriner / Assistant Professor (CCAF)
Phone: (970) 491-6695
Office: Weber 236

Hortensia Soto / Professor - Graduate Director
Phone: (970) 491-1148
Office: Weber 216

Teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics with an embodied cognition lens

Simon Tavener / Executive Associate Dean, Professor of Mathematics
Office: Statistics Building 117

Colleen Webb / Professor - Dean of the Graduate School
Phone: (970) 491-6723
Office: Student Services 108

My research focuses on how the interplay between ecological and evolutionary mechanisms affects the dynamics and persistence of ecological systems. We particularly focus on disease ecology and trait-based approaches in ecology and use quantitative techniques to address questions in these areas.

James Wilson / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-2261
Office: Weber 206A

Groups, algebras, and computation

Jill Zarestky / Associate Professor - Adult Education and Training
Phone: (970) 491-6867
Office: Education Building 244

Yongcheng Zhou / Professor
Phone: (970) 491-0237
Office: Weber 213

Numerical Methods for PDEs, Mathematical Biology, Fluid Dynamics

Postdoctoral Fellows

Alex Elchesen / Postdoctoral Fellow (Topology)
Office: Weber 218A

Saul Freedman / Postdoctoral Fellow

My research involves a wide variety of topics in group theory, with a particular focus on finite simple groups, permutation groups, and graphs defined on groups.

Jake Kettinger / Postdoctoral Fellow (Peterson)

Joseph Pappe / Postdoctoral Fellow (Gillespie)

Cigole Thomas / Postdoctoral Fellow (Pries)
Office: Weber 219

Arithmetic Dynamics on Character Varieties, Data Learning using Varieties, Mathematics Education, Complex Hyperbolic Geometry

Instructors + Associates

Anton Betten / Professor

Combinatorics, coding theory, design theory, algorithms, mathematical software, parallel computing

Emeritus Faculty

Max Stein  / Emeritus

Jaak Vilms / Emeritus

Kenneth Whitcomb  / Emeritus