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MS Defense of Sean Willmot.

Spruce Hall 207

Advisor:  Dr. James Wilson Committee:  Dr. Amit Patel, Dr. Maria Gillespie, Dr. Sanjay Rajopadhye Title: A Representation Theory for Bilinear Maps The intent of this paper is to assemble basic concepts and results for a representation theory of biadditive and bilinear maps. Towards this end, we begin with some foundational definitions which are meant to […]

MS Defense of Amaury Miniño

Engineering E 106

Advisor: Dr. James Wilson Committee:  Dr. Alexander Hulpke, Dr. Dustin Tucker Title: Decomposing bilinear maps Abstract: Finding distinguishable communities in a large population, expressing groups as a direct sum of their subgroups, and determining the distinct sources of stress on a metal beam are all different versions of the same problem. The problem is how […]

IBL SIGMAA Workshop Series


 We are excited to have Daniel Reinholz presenting Imbuing Inquiry-Based Instruction with Equity: The Importance of Social Marker Data on Thursday, March 30th at 12pm (EDT). The workshop will be roughly 45 minutes in length followed by time for questions and answers. Each workshop will be held remotely, so we look forward to having as many attend as possible. Note […]

AWM: Professional Photo Day

Take advantage of this FREE opportunity to get professional photos taken for your career endeavors! spring23awmposter

Professor Laureate Awards and Lecture

Long's Peak Room, Lory Student Center

  You are invited to the Spring 2023 Professor Laureate Awards and Lecture, with a reception to follow.No RSVP is required  

The Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar

Weber 223

apr14_23 Zeta functions in asymptotic algebra I: subobject growth Tobias Rossmann University of Galway, IrelandOver the past decades, the study of zeta functions arising from algebraiccounting problems has evolved into a distinct branch of asymptotic algebra.An appealing feature of this area is that it constitutes a meeting groundfor several different mathematical subjects such as algebra, […]

MS Defense of Kaylee Wong Dollof

Weber 015

Advisor: Dr. Patrick ShipmanCommittee:  Dr. Jennifer Mueller, Dr. Joe von FischerTitle: Nonlinear Dynamics and Machine Learning Classification of PlantPigment PatternsAbstract: Plants exhibit a variety of vibrant colors that are bothbeautiful and functional. They owe their reds, purples, and blues to aclass of pigments called anthocyanins. Many plants possess spatialvariation in their anthocyanin concentration and color, […]

PhD Preliminary Examination of Jae Hwang Lee

Johnson Hall 220

Advisor:  Dr. Mark ShoemakerCo-Advisor:Dr. Renzo CavalieriCommittee:  Dr. Alexander Hulpke, Dr. Chris Peterson, Dr. MariaGillespie, Dr Hua ChenTitle: A Quantum H∗(G)-module via Quasimap InvariantsAbstract: For X a smooth variety or Deligne—Mumford stack, the quantumcohomology ring QH^*(X) is a deformation of the usual cohomology ringH^*(X), where the product structure is modified to incorporate quantumcorrections.  These correction terms […]

Colloquium- Prof. Jake Levinson

Weber 223

Title: Enumerative geometry and the Shapiro--Shapiro ConjectureAbstract:In three dimensions, how many lines pass through four given lines? This question comes from classical enumerative geometry over the complex numbers (Schubert calculus); nowadays, it and many similar problems are well understood, in part due to the theory of moduli spaces. Over the real numbers, however, most such […]


Weber 201

Our next seminar will be this Thursday, April 20, at 3:00 PM in Weber 201.  Our speaker is Tobias Rossmann who is visiting from the University of Galway. There will also be a seminar lunch at noon.  If you are interested in joining please meet in the lobby a few minutes before 12. Title: Tame […]

PhD Defense of Daniel Vargas-Rosario


danielvargas-rosario.abstract Mathematics faculty and graduate students are invited to attend the PhDDefense of Daniel Vargas-Rosario. Date:  Tuesday, April 25, 2023Time: 10:00 a.m.Join ZoomMeeting: ID: 847 0017 9503Passcode: 288209Advisor:  Dr. Henry Adams Committee:  Dr. Jeanne Duflot,Dr. Alexander Hulpke,Dr. Joel BaconTitle: Persistent Homology of Products and Gromov-Hausdorff Distances Between Hypercubes and Spheres Abstract: See Attached  

IBL SIGMAA Workshop Series


 Inquiry-Based Learning Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America (IBL SIGMAA) Workshop Series is continuing for the spring semester! We are excited to have Aditiya Adiredja presenting Responding to Students' "Mistakes": An Anti-Deficit Perspective with IBL Thursday, April 27th at 2pm (EDT). The workshop will be roughly 45 minutes in length followed by time for questions and […]

This calendar is used exclusively for events or announcements sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Natural Sciences or Colorado State University.

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