Levi Heath – PhD Defense: Quantum Serre duality for quasimaps

Weber 201

Let X be a smooth variety or orbifold and let Z be a complete intersection in X defined by a section of a vector bundle E over X. Originally proposed by Givental, quantum Serre duality refers to a precise relationship between the Gromov-Witten invariants of Z and those of the dual vector bundle E^\vee. In […]

QSIDE colloquium

The next QSIDE colloquium (https://qsideinstitute.org/events/qside-colloquium/) is Thursday March 10, at 2pm Mountain (=4pm Eastern). The virtual talk will consist of around 40 minutes of presentation by the speaker and 20 minutes of Q+A from both panel and general participants. After the talk, there will be a 30 minute tea time conversation you are welcome to […]

Applied Math Seminar

Title:  Robust Optimization-based Solvers and Smooth Reformulations for 3D Contact Contact is ubiquitous and often unavoidable, and yet modeling contacting systems continues to stretch the limits of available computational tools. In part, this is due to the unique hurdles posed by contact problems. Several intricately intertwined physical and geometric factors make contact computations hard, especially […]


The annual Tour de Pi(e) will take place on Monday, March 14th, 2022 and includes three stops featuring three premier pie makers in Fort Collins. Join us on this wonky math day as we wind through town for 10ish miles, enjoying the perfect ratio of pie and beverage along the way. Your registration will include one savory […]

Educ8 Teacher Panel

Weber 201

Do you have questions about: - Becoming a K-12 math teacher? - The teacher job application? - Interviewing for a teaching position? - What it's like being a first-year teacher? Come hear answers from local, practicing math teachers at Educ8's next meeting! Pizza will be provided :) Educ8 is the new Math Education Club at […]

Graduate Recruitment Day – In-Person

General itinerary for Thursday, March 24, 2022 7:15 - 9:45 - Hike in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains 10:00 - 10:30 – Introduction to the CSU math Graduate Program – Weber 223 10:30 - 11:00 – Department Welcome – Weber front lawn 11:00 - 12:00 - Greenslopes - Speedslopes Edition – J.V.K. Wagar 133 […]



This week we are happy to have Fenglong You speaking from the University of Oslo. Relative quantum cohomology under birational transformations  I will talk about how relative quantum cohomology, defined by Tseng-You and Fan-Wu-You, varies under birational transformations. Relation with FJRW theory and extremal transitions of absolute Gromov--Witten theory will also be discussed. https://zoom.us/j/7481354483 (Meeting ID: […]

PhD Defense of Naomi Owens Fahrner

Weber 201

Title:  Resource Allocation Optimization for Space Domain Awareness and Synthetic Aperture Radar Advisor:  Dr. Margaret Cheney Committee:  Dr. Jennifer Mueller, Dr. Patrick Shipman, Dr. Chandra Venkatachalam Resource allocation problems are concerned with assigning resources to tasks in a manner that optimizes the goals of that application. The applications we will consider include Space Domain Awareness […]


Weber 223

Danny Perez, from Los Alamos National Laboratory, will be speaking about long-time atomistic simulations and the mathematical ideas underpinning some approaches to such simulations. Atomic-scale simulations of materials using molecular dynamics (MD) are a cornerstone of computational materials science. These simulations can provide powerful insights into the mechanisms by which materials evolve and respond to external […]

This calendar is used exclusively for events or announcements sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Natural Sciences or Colorado State University.

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