Weber 201

Syzygies of adjoint linear series on projective varieties
Guest Speaker: Dr. Purnaprajna Bangere (Purna)

Postdoc Seminar

Weber 015

Speaker: Joseph Pappe
Title: Unimodal Sequences

Carter Lyons – PhD Defense


Title: Compound-Gaussian-Regularized Inverse Problems: Theory, Algorithms, and Neural Networks


Weber 201

Guest Speaker: Tyler Kelly (Birmingham)

The Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar

Weber 223

Graph homomorphisms, partition functions, and extremal problems, Part 1
Guest Speaker: Ewan Davies, Colorado State University 

PhD Defense of Michael Moy

Weber 201

Mathematics faculty and graduate students are invited to attend the PhD Defense of Michael Moy.

Title:  Persistence and Simplicial Metric Thickenings

PhD Defense of Kelly O’Connor

Weber 201

Mathematics faculty and graduate students are invited to attend the PhD Defense of Kelly O’Connor.

Title:  Relative oriented class groups of quadratic extensions 

PhD Defense of Amie Bray

Weber 201

Mathematics faculty and graduate students are invited to attend the PhD Defense of Amie Bray.

Title: Counting Isogeny Classes of Drinfeld Modules over Finite Fields via Frobenius Distributions

Vladimir Sworski – PhD Defense

Weber 201

Mathematics faculty and graduate students are invited to attend the PhD Defense of Vladimir Sworski. Advisor:  Dr. Rachel Pries Committee:  Dr. Alexander Hulpke, Dr. Mark Shoemaker, Dr. Sanjay Rajopadhye Title:  Number […]

Jacob McCann

Weber 201

Mathematics faculty and graduate students are invited to attend the MS Defense of Jacob McCann.


Weber 201

Guest Speaker: Andreas Gross


Weber 201

Guest Speaker: Dhruv Ranganathan

This calendar is used exclusively for events or announcements sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Natural Sciences or Colorado State University.

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